Refund Policy

This refund policy is intended for athletes that no longer wish to participate in the program after registering. Athletes that are injured and can no longer ski will be considered on an individual basis beyond this policy. Please recognize that we are a non-profit organization that has a paid coaching staff and these wages are the majority of our budget. We rely heavily on team fundraising to meet our budget. Refunding fees creates additional requirements for fundraising.


A full refund of Whitewater Ski Team registration on fees less $100 for administration and programming costs if withdrawing before the third scheduled session. There will be no refund available after the third scheduled session. BC Alpine fees cannot be refunded.


A full refund of Whitewater Ski Team registration on fees less $100 for administration and programming costs if withdrawing before the opening of Whitewater Ski Resort. After opening, 75% of fees will be reimbursed if withdrawing between opening day and December 31, 50% of fees will be reimbursed if withdrawing January 1-15, 20% of fees will be reimbursed if withdrawing January 16-31, 10% of fees will be reimbursed if withdrawing February 1-15. There will be no refund available after February 15. BC Alpine fees cannot be refunded.

(Adopted Sept. 1 2020 Revised Nov. 17, 2021)