Hi Ski Race Families!
Thank you to all that joined us for the AGM and info session at the Hume on Wednesday. A big shout out to the board of this amazing not for profit ski team! This team is run by volunteer parents like you! The support from this incredible ski “family” filled my heart on Wednesday night.
In case you missed the last video from our fall dryland training: Dryland 2023
Shredders update:
Coaching update:
- We have all of our 8 Shredders coaches returning! This is the heart and soul of this team and this continuity is going to make for an incredible season!
Registration update:
- We have passed the earlybird registration deadline but registration will stay open!
- We have 90 athletes registered so far and we have more space for new athletes of all ages!
- Please let your skiing community know about this incredible team
When does training start and when and where are the races?
- Please visit the team calendar for all training and race dates: https://whitewaterskiteam.ca/ and under info tab
What about camps on the holidays?
- Visit the calendar to see the camp dates as well!
- Visit the Parent Corner -also under info on our website- for all of the race and camp sign up sheets and we will add these updates in there as well.
- You will need to create a login for this and if you need you can create as many new logins as you like so don’t worry if you can remember your password.
When do we find out which group and which coach?
- We will wait for a week or so for more registrations and then start organizing.
- Is there a parent that would like to assist with the organizing of groups for our training groups and with the groups for races? Please reply to this email if so as it will speed up the process!
How to watch Ski Racing and be a fan of the World Cup!
- If you have made it this far into this email then you are ready to be a World Cup ski racing fan! Sit with your young ski racer and watch the action!
- https://www.cbc.ca/player/sports/skiing
- CBC is great for watching live or recent events
- I like watching the 2nd run of events and that way you get to see the the top 30 finishers from first run come down with the fastest coming last and you get to see the drama and who is the fastest in the world that day!
- You dont have to watch the whole event, skip ahead and just watch the top 10.
- This is the last one that I watched and really enjoyed. The top 3 is very interesting and I shared this one at dryland training yesterday and we discussed sportsmanship and the agony of defeat. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2281725507990
What are the Provincial athletes up to?
- The Provincial athletes are 2 months into their conditioning season and are getting very fit! The U12 and U14 athletes are up to a 4:00 wall sit and 1:20 planks. I challenge you to match them!
- 20 Provincial athletes are hitting the road in 2 weeks to start their season with 4 days of training at Panorama which is only open to teams for trainging at this time of the year.
Stay tuned for more updates as we head into the season!