Hi Provincial families,
- Nov 24 Land of Giants movie at the Capitol buy your tickets! https://capitoltheatre.ca/event/the-land-of-giants/
- Nov 24 Athlete Assessments with Arthur at the Sports Lab 509 Vernon street. sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b-KNlFRKlJBR-vZHPg-8HNCJZ0aeLN3myrGAid5FWWQ/edit#gid=0
- Age specific meetings:
- U14 Nov 23 7:00 on Zoom!
- U12 New Meeting Announcement! Nov 27 7:00 on Zoom!
Coach update:
- We have hired a new assistant U14 coach! He is an experienced coach from the Revelstoke team. I am super stoked and he will be coaching with us at the Pano camp!
- We have 2 new junior coaches that will be working as my assistants with the U12 group! Madison and Raleigh! It is a real sign of our teams success to have athletes continue into FIS and then return to the team as coaches. Here is some video of them skiing last season.
Pano Camp:
- 20 athletes attending
- Info on meals and travel will be sent early next week
- The last session will be Tuesday Nov 28th
- Tammy and I have had the athletes create their own personal warmup routine from a variety of choices. The athletes will use these at training and races this season. I am attaching the full list here.
- Here is a cool warmup video to watch with the kids: ACA warmup
- Yes we are up to 4:00 wall sits and 1:20 planks! I challenge you to match us! Al Bull is feeling the stoke and is challenging the kids from home and is up to 3:30 wall sits!
- Its up on our website now!
- We are loading the google sheets on to the parent corner
- https://whitewaterskiteam.ca/
And from the Shredders update:
How to watch Ski Racing and be a fan of the World Cup!
- If you have made it this far into this email then you are ready to be a World Cup ski racing fan! Sit with your young ski racer and watch the action!
- https://www.cbc.ca/player/sports/skiing
- CBC is great for watching live or recent events
- I like watching the 2nd run of events and that way you get to see the the top 30 finishers from first run come down with the fastest coming last and you get to see the drama and who is the fastest in the world that day!
- You dont have to watch the whole event, skip ahead and just watch the top 10.
- This is the last one that I watched and really enjoyed. The top 3 is very interesting and I shared this one at dryland training yesterday and we discussed sportsmanship and the agony of defeat. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2281725507990